Livin' the Drone Life: An Insider’s Guide to Flying Drones for Fun and Profit Big SALE

Title : Livin' the Drone Life: An Insider’s Guide to Flying Drones for Fun and Profit
ASIN : 1619615444
Description :

Everyone today seems to have a drone: Amazon, touting a new high-tech delivery method; YouTubers, with countless aerial videos; your neighbor, who keeps crashing into your tree. But drones are more than a gadget craze. They’re a booming business with the potential to change industries ranging from video to agriculture to contracting—and the ability to change your life.

Drone U was created by drone pilots for drone pilots, to help aspiring professionals turn a pastime into a profitable, sustainable, and successful commercial operation. Livin’ the Drone Life draws on this invaluable experience to teach hopeful drone pros all sides of the business, including:

  • How to perform amazing technological feats safely

  • The basics of running your own company

  • Insight on surviving and thriving in a rapidly evolving field

  • The secrets of navigating the tricky regulatory market

Whether you bought your drone on a whim or as part of the tech craze, now is the time to turn your passion into profit, and a hobby into an investment for your future.  With the help of this book, Drone U will show you how to fly safe, fly right, and make your business soar.

Livin' the Drone Life: An Insider’s Guide to Flying Drones for Fun and Profit
List Price : $13.99
Price : $12.99
Saved Price : $1.00

Category: Entrepreneurship
Brand: Lioncrest Publishing
Item Page Detail URL : link
Rating : 4.6
Rating : 104
Review : Good not great
There is some information in this book that is a bit dated, but I do not knock it down a star for anything like that. I think a book written today would be dated six months from now it is some of the information given. But why knock it down for is that there is a good amount of great information bogged down by repetitive marginal information. Worth getting, worth reading, but there is quite a bit of skimable material.
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